Come check out Des Moines MMA and train at THE premier mixed martial arts facility in Des Moines, Iowa. Whether you love grappling, jiu-jitsu, boxing, muay-thai or kickboxing, Des Moines Mixed Martial Arts has something for you! Check us out today!
Hailing from New York, Iowa transplant Anthony Porcelli is the visionary who has created the finest Mixed Martial Arts training facility this side of Militich Fighting Systems. A father and friend, a coach and confidant, a motivator and master practitioner, Anthony represents what is good and true about the competitive fight game. As Head Trainer, Anthony Porcelli oversees all the instruction in his facility. He is assisted at times by many wise instructors in the various disciplines of the fight game. Whether you interest is in wrestling, jiu-jitsu, boxing, muay-thai or basic mixed martial arts, you will have no problem finding quality instruction at Des Moines MMA!
Whether your goal is to enter the ring as a professional, learn new techniques and skills or get into shape in a snap, there is no better place to be than Des Moines Mixed Martial Arts!
I joined Des Moines Mixed Martial Arts Academy recently, and am absolutely thrilled to be a part of team Porcelli. Owner, trainer, coach, and friend Anthony Porcelli is an experienced, motivational leader who has a knack for making me strive to do my best. The best part of being a member of team Porcelli is the atmosphere in the gym. It feels like family, and everyone does their best to support one another. I felt very welcome and right at home even on my first day there. If you are interested in becoming a champion, or just getting into shape, I recommend Mixed Martial Arts Academy; Team Porcelli! Located at 609 Euclid Ave. Des Moines IA, 50313. Phone# 515-371-4170.